Back in mid-2000, 3 guys were engaging in some fairly serious
conversation, talking mainly about software and business; where
things were going and what the future held for the Business world
and The Technologies that would drive them. Together the trio
combined several domains of highly honed skill sets – Foreign
Trade, Business and Technology– forming a base full of creativity,
knowledge, and talent. One of them was a programmer, while the
other two were part of the business community but from different
industries and age-groups; their coming together infused synergy
and versatility.
Soon after, they found that their ideas and skills correlated:
they held the same perspective on the United States Constitution,
particularly privacy laws pertaining to IT and it’s Politics; and
focused on doing everything they could to uphold the Constitution
in their Developments and Business Affairs.
It didn’t take much time for them to convert ideas into reality,
due to their dedication and honesty. The tech worked on their
product, while the other two strategically kept the wheels of
business greased and the cycles within going smooth. From there,
started the journey towards the formation of JAK Technologies.
The name JAK Technologies comes from the initials of each of the business partners’ names. JAK harbors several talents in its folds, managing many different angles of the business, and strong ethics to fuel it. They simply are gurus at combining their clients’ needs and wants effectively for amazing results every time. The Partners and Staff of JAK Technologies are endowed with confidence and integrity, and believe while clearly stating,
“If You Don’t Use Our Services, You Don’t Know Jak!”
To provide software and services that matter for the real people, with a high-quality focus on privacy, security, encryption and customer service. Vowing to uphold the United States Constitution ourselves and our Client base.
Simply put; We are Real people, serving the Real people of the world.