Build Your Own Live Streaming Website

Build Your Own Live Streaming Website

By Jeff Daniels/Director of Operations


Okay, so you are going to need a few things to get this done but don’t worry, they are not relly tough to get/setup and the things you need to purchase combined will come in under $700usd total. Though you could use monthly plans on some of the stuff if you didn’t want to shell out the upfront cash to do this. However, $700 is far cry from the $3000 to $10000usd people pay to even get close to what I am going to show you how to do here. You don’t need to be a coder to do this, but you will need to follow instructions and not be afraid to read some of the documentations. I decided to do this because a friend of mine, Boxhead, yeah what a nickname. Anyway, my friend really would like to do this. So, I figured I’d help him out and everyone else at the same time! Let’s see if he takes the time to do this. Because I’m to busy to be involved in the project right now or I would have done it for him by now. This is much easier, and as I like to do, share the knowledge. People would like to make you think you can’t do this on your own or that you need tons of cash to start and operate it. You don’t, here we go!

  1. You need a Domain name. ( will do for this)
  2. You need a Shared or Dedicated server Host with cPanel. (We provide Hosting, but there many others to choose from as well)
  3. You’ll use your cPanel’s option for Softaculous App’s Installer and Select WordPress and get it installed, click, click, fill in blanks easy. (This is absolutely free option and install)
  4. Get a WordPress Theme, its a click install within the WP, so no worries. You can elect to use paid or free theme’s. I would look for a live streaming, or broadcasting related Theme, but any will work and you can alter and customize as you like.
  5. You’ll want a Cool name for your site as well, give it some serious thought.
  6. Get the myCreds Billing Gateway Plugin for WP, if your going to charge for services of any kind, or manage any currency exchange or digital process exchange type. [Not doing any of that, skip this plugin, this has paid and unpaid versions, both will work, paid is more robust and has more options] (Its easy to install and configure, not complicated)
  7. Get RTMP Session Control. [This is not free] (This is for your External Broadcasting stuff here)
  8. Get WordPress Live Streaming Plugin. [This is not free] (Again same easy click installs and configurations)
  9. Get WordPress VideoShare Plugin. (Easy Easy)
  10. Get WordPress s2Member Plugin.(This controls your user memberships to the site, all very easily)
  11. If you are going to want perfect integration, You Will Have Basic by Default, but perfect integration with Android/IOS, like super clean layout; you’ll want to Signup for a VideoWhisper account to get you integrated. [Not Required]
  12. Get FFMPEG installed on your host server, it’s easy, most will do it for you if you call them. [This is your Trans-coding] (It’s straight forward setup and configuration)


  • If you have no experience at all with any of this at all, like zero, it will take about 10 to 15 days to get it all handled and going.
  • If you have minor experience with WordPress and installing and setting up plugins, it will take you about a week, 5 to 7 days to be fully up and running with your own Live Broadcasting and On-Demand Video Streaming, all from your server.
  • If you have fair experience in doing most this stuff and have done some of it before, it will take you about 3 to 5 days to be ready to go.
  • If you are experienced and have done this stuff for a while now, you will be up and streaming in 1 to 2 days tops!

I enjoyed sharing this method and knowledge with you, and hope you found it useful and fun to learn. I’ll consider covering other topics soon!

Good Luck, though you don’t need any, you got this. Happy Streaming!

*** If you follow my instruction method and get your site done, send the link over to me, I’ll link you on the site in the article! ***